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5 Strategies for Effective Time Management

5 Strategies for Effective Time Management

heery james 1017 02-Oct-2019

In today’s rapidly progressing society and the digitally equipped corporate world, nobody likes to see a slow and laidback attitude. If you’re part of a large company or a business and lack the essential time management skills, you are far behind on the race of being the best. Since there’s a lot of competition in the corporate world therefore, you always need to be on your toes. You can’t just keep stacking up work and ignoring important guidelines especially when you need them the most. If you want your superiors to be happy with your existence, you need to start working like a machine. You can’t just expect a pay raise and make no changes in your work style and attitude. Success and self-improvement go hand in hand especially in the corporate world.    

You need to prioritize wisely

Whether you’re running your own business or working under someone, you should always know what’s more important to you at the moment. You need to divide your daily tasks whether they are work related or life related under the headings important and urgent and not important and not urgent. Once you do that, you will automatically start to see a clearer picture.

Eliminate all sorts of distractions

Whether it’s a video game, girlfriend or an annoying neighbor, you need to put a full stop on all sorts of distractions if you want to progress in life and the corporate world. Nobody cares if you had a breakup or have 1000 kills in a video game, all they want is results from you at the right time and in the right way.

You need to start planning ahead

You can’t just keep focusing on work at hand. You need to create a task sheet before time so that you know what to do when. All successful workers and leaders of today already know what they are going to do tomorrow and how they are going to manage time during all that. When you just show up at work without having a clear idea of what needs to be done, you might get into trouble therefore, always write on sticky notes or set daily reminders for yourself so that you know exactly what to do and also don’t forget anything.

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Keep track of your time

While you’re performing a task whether it’s a daily chore or work related, you must know that how much time you’re spending on it and how can you do them more quickly and efficiently. In order to get a clearer picture, you can always use a timesheet tracker that can easily allow you to clock in and out of various tasks.

Learn to outsource your tasks

Whether it’s a colleague, a friend or a younger brother, you need to learn how to outsource your tasks especially when you’re extremely busy. You don’t have to abandon a task and move on to the most important one. You can always ask someone else to complete the less important task for you. This will not just make you happy, but will also build a unique sense of accomplishment.   

Updated 05-Oct-2019
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